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RobiCat2Robicat2 - For returning customer Robi, who has generously taken on another adopted cat to give her Emma some company. There's suddenly more scratching going on than there is scratchable stuff ( besides Robi's fine furniture ). This solves that with a B35TR post plus a spare sisal top ( a wise move since the shipping to Canada for this top alone later would hurt like a shillelagh to the knee. ). Also included is shipping to her workplace. If this is purchased by the end of St. Patrick's Day ( 2014 ) the luck of the Irish will dictate that you shall get a pot-o-gold discount of $10.00. And we'll throw in another $11 discount just for good measure. This quote is valid until 3/31/14, after which time the luck will disappear like a rainbow on a sunny day. SKU Number: RoCa2