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RM4,RM6 Combo

RM4,RM6 Combo

New 2009 Models RM4 & RM6: RM4: 18" base 31" post 14" nest 12x14" condo fleece covered recessed top & fleece enrance RM6: Beige, Detachable Base (18") with extra 1 inch thickness, 30" twin slanted sisal weave ramps with furry toys Shipped 2 weeks from processed payment, Shipping west of Mississippi included Sale price expires on 4/12/08
SKU Number: RM4&6
Sale Price: $368.00 Regular Price: $398.00  
You Save: $30.00

Feline Design
POB 911
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-450-4648
Acceptance Mark We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards