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Estimate Fee

Estimate Fee

Estimate Fee

You are at this page of our shopping cart because you have been in touch with us about a custom job, and we have replied with a link to here. OR you have a cat tree column or columns that you need to replace & can't identify it or for some reason you are unable to provide other critical details  ... We can consider your custom job only after you pay an estimate fee of $20.

What this fee pays for:
This fee covers at least some of our costs of estimating a custom piece of cat furniture or any other non-standard item relating to our product line, as well as shipping charges for it. It is a nonrefundable fee, even if we decide that we cannot provide this. It is also not refundable in the event that you object to the price we give you. If we reach an agreement together, the fee will be applied to the final cost. Your estimate will be sent to you within two business days. It will reflect your specifications (size, materials, colors).

Exceptions & Limitations: We may need to change some specifications due to limitations of our shop machinery or availability of raw materials. Shipping: We ship via UPS to the USA as well as to Canada. The common UPS & USPS weight and parcel size limit guidelines are posted at their websites, and you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with these restrictions before you continue.  We do not ship our cat furniture via common carrier or Federal Express. And we don't maintain a walk-in facility for customer pick-up. Your finished product must be able to be shipped in one ov the above mentioned ways.

Colors: Rare or obscure colors are common reasons for rejecting a job, so please give us three choices of colors (On the other hand, we are sitting on a handful of rolls of VERY weird colored carpet, so your best bet is to put your exotic/off-the wall color tastes on the table).

What we need from you: If you are trying to duplicate some favorite cat tree, photographs are required. If you have a specific design in mind which doesn't exist yet, we'll need to see your best drawing of it. We will not proceed with the estimate without a reasonable photo or drawing, with clearly written sizes & lengths of all components, in this case. Photographs should be taken in adequate light, and should be reasonably well focused.

Variation of estimate from final cost: This is only an estimate, and the final shipped cost of your item can vary from this estimate by no more than 20%.

Expiration: Your estimate fee will be good for one month following receipt. After that, we will ask you to repeat this process so that we can proceed on the basis of our most current costs.

SKU Number: EST1
Price: $20.00 

Feline Design
POB 911
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-450-4648
Acceptance Mark We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards We accept Major Credit Cards