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24" Column for B48TR

24" Column for B48TR

This is the replacement sisal or carpet COLUMN ONLY for model B48TR. You are buying one or both portions (your option) of the VERTICAL part of your post. It doesn't include a base. If you are making your own base & want a matching piece of carpet which will cover a 19" base, make sure to select it from the drop-down menu. You will need to measure your WALL size and CORE size in order for us to fill your order (see explanation on page with this product). Also, to avoid delays, please choose your correct shipping zone from the shipping menu.
SKU Number: B48TRREP-B
Price: $22.00 
Top sisal portion or lower carpeted portion? 
UPS Ground Shipping 
Add carpet for as base? 
What is your CORE SIZE? 
What is your WALL SIZE? 

Feline Design
POB 911
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-450-4648
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